Refleks-1S Simplified Inertial Measurement and Control Platform
This board is a simplified version of Refleks-1P system. It has the following features:
- STM32F405 ARM based Microcontroller
- LSM303 Digital Output Accelerometer and Compass in a single chip
- L3G4200D Digital Output Gyroscope
- Absolute Pressure sensor with digital I2C/SPI output from Honeywell
- 1 SPI channel
- 8 User Configurable IOs
- The board manufactured on a high quality dielectric controlled FR408 PCB process
- All on-board components are rated for -40C:85C temperature range
- Easy access to SWD programming support for STM32
The picture of the board is shown below. I did assembly and soldering myself.
I also assembled a device for approximate calibration shown below
Of course for the final application the board was calibrated using a professional and precise device, but for most other applications and temporary testing even with those angle meters and level meters I can achieve pretty good results.